During one of our system development test phases on the midnight of October 26th (Manila Time), MIW encountered a bot which used our system and network to spam. As a one-off scenario, our teams have identified the situation and implemented higher security measures. Please be…

  • Message from the CEO, May 2021

    Message from the CEO, May 2021

    Hello, Everyone: It’s been some time since I last felt this overwhelming, but despite the personal and professional challenges around us, I can still see a heart in the middle of it all; and that’s more than one could really hope for these days. Our…

  • How to Stay Sane While Working From Home This Pandemic

    How to Stay Sane While Working From Home This Pandemic

    Since the COVID-19 virus went wild and decided to be a pandemic last March 2020, most of the companies around the globe are forced to implement work from home arrangements in order to prevent the spread of the virus, as well as to safeguard the…

  • In a Nutshell: Data Privacy Act (R.A. 10173) of 2012

    In a Nutshell: Data Privacy Act (R.A. 10173) of 2012

    Photo by Pixabay via Pexels Every 28th of January, we celebrate Data Privacy Day. Pre-pandemic, a bunch of seminars, and events are held in order for everyone to have a better understanding of what entails giving away our private details, most especially on the web.…

  • Christmas is still in our hearts, amid the Pandemic

    Christmas is still in our hearts, amid the Pandemic

    Is it a given fact that everyone around the globe had a hard time this year, 2020, due to the pandemic that we are still experiencing. Yet, some of us were able to throw a virtual gathering, just for us to still feel the spirit…

  • MIW Teams Up With Microsoft

    MIW Teams Up With Microsoft

    As some companies shirk away from high-risk jumps towards investments during a pandemic state, MIW maintains that one thing it’s great at over the years: by doing things differently. The Google-certified management consulting IT company recently gained Microsoft Cloud Platform System (CPS) partner status as…

  • Google Apps Outage Status Update

    12:00AM EST / 12:00PM Manila: Google apps were reported to have been experiencing downtime, primarily Gmail and GDrive. Sending emails are fine, but it seems that attachments have slowed down and eventually hindered messages from going through, and pops an error message for users to…

  • Ease the Hassle with Online Payment

    Ease the Hassle with Online Payment

    MIW continues to manifest its core goal and that is to integrate digital transformation in businesses, in order to have a more meaningful way of maximizing opportunities, hitting or even exceeding their KPIs so that you can spend more time on what’s important. MIW wants…

  • 10 G Suite tips to work with remote teams

    1. Hold video meetings and remote events with team members If you work on a team that’s spread across the globe, Google Hangouts Meet lets you stay connected from anywhere in the world, at any time—all from a computer or mobile device. Join a video meeting to…

  • Remote work essentials: How IT can prepare for a distributed workforce

    Remote work essentials: How IT can prepare for a distributed workforce

    by Smita HashimDirector, Product Management, Hangouts Meet, Voice & Calendar With many businesses and organizations facing the need to support remote employees, some are looking for help familiarizing themselves with digital tools to maintain productivity. Here are some of our best practices for IT admins…